Wilbert went on his own as far as I was ever told, found a bag with $300 in it, (about a years salary at that time), at least that is the story I was told
the census (dont remember year) had him listed with his own household, even older siblings were still listed with there fathers household, so he had some money from somewhere,(and he kept roight on going!!!)
the name , Eureka, was very popular at the time, so I guess it was both appropriate and common
Monday, December 20, 2010
Hooey settlement along with Muirhead and Mclauglin

Still working to confirm the exact lot of where William settled however there are Hooey farms everywhere (look for the blue highlighted areas). There are also Muirheads which is who William married.
Mclaughlins are also close by which leads to how the Hooey's and Mclaughlins knew one another.
As the story goes, when Wilbert retired he bought a Mclaughlin Buick from Colonel Sam Mclaughlin (born in Enniskillen on September 8th, 1971) who worked for his Father Robert Sr. in Enniskillen and then partned with his brother to start the McLaughlin Carriage Works building carriages prior to starting the Mclaughlin Buick company and selling "horseless carriages". Colonel Sam sold his company to GM in 1910 and then became the President of General Motors Canada in 1918. Apparantely Colonel Sam wanted Hubert to marry one of his 5 daughters.
William Hooey - Wilbert's Father 1809-1891
Mildred Hooey
Hubert in WWI stationed in Niagara Falls
Sunday, December 19, 2010
33 Ellis Avenue which became 187 Ellis Avenue

Wilbert spend 2 years custom building his "retirement" house that was finished in 1917.
In 1917 Eureka was sold to Keenan Company from Owen Sound. Eureka had a factory on the harbour in Owen Sound as did Keenan who specialized in wood products. The introduction of the "temporary Income Tax Law" during WWI may have led to Wilbert's decision to sell the company.
33 Ellis Avenue was changed to 187 Ellis when additional homes were built on Ellis to the North. The property backed onto Grenadere Pond.

Wilbert and Annie - may be their wedding picture. Well dressed couple!
So the story goes, Wilbert went out West in 1881 for the Gold Rush and ended up finding gold in the Yukon. He brought back the gold/money which helped to start up Eureka. Also, Wilbert may have been inspired by seeing how warm air came out of the ground/mines and then condensed into moisture in the cold...understanding convection was the key to Wilbert's refrigerator designs and Patents.
Eureka Catalogue with Customer Testamonials
Wilbert's Award from the 1901 Exhibition
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Hi All...
Hope you are all well.
I felt it was time to setup a distribution list so that we can all share stories, photos, videos…anything that helps to document the family history of the Howie’s, Hooey’s, Eureka Refrigerator, Air-Tech…from Patents on killing Potato Bugs to Refrigerators to flying and flying machines, there is a great history that I would like us all to share and distribute knowledge of the past within the group.
Below is an email chain started today on facebook however FB is not the best tool to share photos…
I have also attached a picture of Arthur K. VanHorne in response to a question about our ancestor’s being involved in the Mason’s. I have a photo shop that can restore photos like this...a little pricey however worth it to have the history/photo restored.
I have also attached photos of a Eureka postcard, a Eureka refrigerator that Sharon helped to find that I am going to have restored.
I will be preparing CD’s for everyone to help distribute photos, files…
I would us to collectively figure out how best to share stories/photos...so that everyone has access to an "archive" of the family history. Maybe we create a website…just want to capture all the stories and history.
For example, I laughed when I Doug and Roger told me that Hubert brought back a “pet” from Alberta…a pet Lynx that baited dog’s to chase it and then pounced on them from a back wall behind 187 Ellis Avenue.
Here is the note I sent out today:
Just pass along some great news to everyone:
One of the residents of Brock Lofts; the factory that Wilbert built on Noble Street, contacted me when he was researching Wilbert Hooey and I went to see him with Jim and Doug.
Awesome to be back in Wilbert's factory (that he had to expand several times) and we learned about the building and then the sale of Eureka to Wilbert's partner; W.H. Shapely, in 1917 (the year that Income tax started which we are assuming is one of the reasons Wilbert sold the business). I think he built 33 Ellis Avenue in 1917 (later changed to 187 Ellis Avenue) Anyway, we received a bunch of info (building permits...) and I will take some pictures of the factory when I go back in the Spring and then sent to everyone.
We would like to see the residents of Brock Lofts rename the lofts "Eureka Refrigerator Co. Lofts" or to at least get a plaque put outside to recognize Wilbert. Also, I gave him a copy of the CD that includes drawings of Eureka refrigerators and he is going to print some pics for the entrance to the lofts and Doug/Jim may have one of their builders build a replica refrigerator to put on display...that would be pretty cool to see.
Oh yeah, we found out that Wilbert had another Patent for a machine that help to kill of Potato Beetles...inventing certainly ran in the family from his Father "lazy William" who was always inventing ideas to speed up work around the farm.
Airplane Museum - Jim met with the new curator and they are interested in doing a plaque (or something) to official recognize Hubert as an Aviation Pioneer with being the President of Air-Tech, being one of the first Flying Schools and giving people some of their first flight in a plane (apparently they used to be lined up with people wanting to fly and see Toronto from the air in the 1930's).
Tarnia - Jim mentioned that Arthur used to interview and tape Wilbert for hours asking him questions about Eureka, Wilbert, history...would you know/can you look for any old recording tapes? It would be awesome if you could locate them as I have a guy that can re-record them onto cd for everyone to enjoy. Please let me know if you find any old tapes.
I am in the process of scanning the pics/creating cd's for everyone to help distribute ALL files, pics...so that everyone can enjoy the family legacy.
Please pass this note onto other family members that are not on FB.
I would like us to share and document the stories, pics...maybe we create something on Wikipedia that all of us can edit/add to. somehow we need to get all the pics, stories in one place for all to enjoy.
Take care and best wishes for everyone during the Holidays.
Roger then wrote back;
thanks for the update Chris, Arthur interviewed Hubert, that’s prob what u were thinking, I think most of it was about the Airline and Hubert’s flying days but we will have to listen and find out, there is a box ful of tapes, mostly unlabeled, also there is a patent by Hubert listed next in catalogue to Wilbert, (1916) patent book, it's a folding cabinet. have to look it up and send you number, did you get copies from patent office, oh yeah one more thing, I put a copy of that building permit from 1913 in a glass frame and hung it in the lobby of B&N in a fairly unobtrusive locale, I suspect that resident must have it, but I do appreciate his interest
Mark asked: any knowledge of Wilbert involved with the Masons?
wondering about '33' ellis ave.
Chris wrote: I am not sure about Wilbert however Jim/George/Doug or Roger may know. I do know that Grandmother Helen's Father (i think it was her father or uncle) was in the Mason's in Yarmouth (there is a pic of him dressed in his Mason clothes).
33 Ellis Avenue was Wilbert's retirement house that he built (that is what I know so far) and it was later renumbered to 187 Ellis when the lots we divided to add more homes on the street.
Roger - great news about the tapes!!! It would be great to get them copied for all and submitted to the Airplane Museum.
Hubert Patent - i did not know about this and that is good news. please send the # and I will look it up.
Building permit - the resident that contacted me must have it as he had quite a few from when Wilbert started in the back of a shop to multiple expansions. They are going to put together a display of pics, permits...in the lobby for everyone to see BUT I want a plaque on the outside of Wilbert's building
Roger wrote:
Who is this guy, maybe he's related and doesnt know it haha
I have to get that patent from my storage space, I told Peter I would do that awhile ago, sorry guys, in the next couple of days
here's a strange coincidence for you, first house that Wilbert owned is on Dunne (i think, ask Jim) anyway number is 187
Roger Howie December 16 at 3:44pm Reply • Report
first house in TO anyway, something like that,
Please feel free to share and add onto everyone’s knowledge of our family history.
Thank you for sharing and for your help.
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